Paweł Sakowicz JUMPCORE

Pawel Sakowicz, Jumpcore, fot. Maciej Rukasz
It is not entirely clear if Fred Herko planned to finish his intimate performance with a suicide death. He took a bath, turned on Mozart’s Coronation Mass and began to dance naked in his friend’s living room. He approached an open window several times. When Sanctusresounded, he ran and jumped out the window of the apartment on the fifth floor of New York’s Cornelia Street. Ballet dancers are said to believe they can fly. And indeed, suspended for a second in a jump, they do.
Jumpcore belongs to the collection of the Zachęta – National Gallery of Art in Warsaw Jumpcore was selected for Aerowaves Twenty19.
choreography and performance: Paweł Sakowicz
dramaturgy: Mateusz Szymanówka
music: Indecorum
costume: Doom 3k
production: MAAT Festival, Scena Tańca Studio, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art
Paweł Sakowicz is a choreographer and dancer. He graduated from the University of Warsaw with a degree in political studies and holds an MA in performance and choreography from the London Contemporary Dance School. Next to many collaborations with Polish and international choreographers and theatre directors, Paweł created his own works that include Bernhard, TOTAL, Jumpcore, Thriller and Masakra. His works have been featured in three editions of the Polish Dance Platform, as well as toured internationally. Paweł received several scholarships, from the Ministry of Culture, the National Heritage, the Alternative Dance Academy, and also from the Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk a.o. With his solo “Jumpcore” – the first ever choreographic work that was purchased by an art gallery in Poland - Paweł became 2019 Priority Artist of the Aerowaves network that every year introduces the most interesting young European dance makers.