Sara Masüger
Inn Reverse, 2018

Sara Masüger’s commission for MUZEUM SUSCH combines sculpture, architecture and landscape. Running underneath the floor of the entrance hall in the Bieraria Veglia is a narrow tunnel filled with sculptural forms that echo natural rock formations found in the Engadin valley. This artificial cavity opens up at the far end of the building onto the river bank, carrying its sound into the museum. Masüger created a meditative experience in which the sound is dismembered from its source and transported inside her sculptural passageway that is punctuated by areas of light and darkness – all of which become materials of her work along with the white acrystal shapes.

The main protagonist of Inn Reverse is the river Inn that lends its name to the whole region, and whose own name derives from the old Celtic words en and enios meaning ‘water’. One of the defining aspects of Masüger’s practice is the physical presence of the body which defines the shape and existence of many of her works. In Susch, the work can only be experienced individually as the viewer is invited to take part in an intimate encounter with one of the primary elements – the flow of water that originates not far away and continues up to the Black Sea as a tributary of the Danube, one of Europe’s key natural frontiers that defined and witnessed countless events in the past. Inn Reverse is an invitation to reflect on this endless flow of materiality and time.