Muzeum Susch


Noemi Smolik

Noemi Smolik
Noemi Smolik © Andreas Nübling

Noemi Smolik grew up in Prague, studied in Cologne and New York, and earned her PhD in Art History in 1987. She has taught at the HFBK Hamburg and Dresden. Her contributions on contemporary and Russian art have been published in FAZ, Artforum, e-flux, Frieze, and Kunstforum amongst others. In 2020, she received the Art Cologne Prize for Art Criticism. She is a co-founder of Hope Recycling Station in Prague, a platform dedicated to questions of decolonization and racism in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in Central Asia. Her latest book, Malewitschs Ohrfeige dem modernen Geschmack. Die andere, russische Moderne, has been published by Matthes & Seitz, Berlin.