Maria Zimpel
2 – 17 May 2021
Acziun Susch welcomes back Maria Zimpel with her project WATERDANCES/ YES POEMS in dialogue with filmmaker Claudio von Planta.

After the February explorations, and before the summer shooting, Maria is continuing research on movement material that will be introduced in the planned movie.
Waterdances/Yes poems is an intermedial choreographic project dedicated to the process of embodying nature and to the exploration of the idea of a body as a transmitter. It will constitute the first part of series of short choreographic videos realized in collaboration with different artists.

Maria Zimpel creates her dance language and modular choreographic systems based on semi-repetitive movement patterns. She draws on somatics, autobiographical abstraction and broadly understood perception in movement. She is an author of many solos and collaborative projects, shown all around the world. She worked as a dancer with radical artists, such as Rosalind Crisp, Isabelle Schad and Kat Valastur. She studied „Dance, Choreography and Context” at HZT (Hochschul- übergreifen- de Zentrum Tanz Berlin) at University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, 2009 she was a recipient of DanceWeb Scholarship; in 2016 her choreography „noish~” was selected for the European Platform AerowavesTwenty, and Polish Dance Platform 2017, recipient of K3|Tanzplan Hamburg scholarship 2019/2020. Currently, she works and lives in Hamburg, Germany.