1 – 9/06/2023
Renata Piotrowska-Auffret / PL

Renata Piotrowska-Auffret will be conducting research and creating her latest work, "Uteri Migrantes," during her residency at Muzeum Susch.
Uteri Migrantes is a new show in the PRIVATE PIECES series. The piece explores the political nature of the female body and oscillates between private and public spheres. The theme, matter and main character of the performance is the uterus, treated with distance, humour and care. The artists involved aim to examine the uterus and the entire female body through the lens of aging.
The title Uteri Migrantes translates to "wandering wombs" in Latin. For centuries, the uterus has been the subject of mostly male observations, theories and fantasies about non-normative female behaviour. This includes actions that a female "was not supposed to do", such as shouting, laughing out loud, or making unusual gestures or movements. The main concept throughout history has been the vision of the uterus as a living animal that causes various female abnormalities, such as overturning the whites of the eyes, unnatural twisting limbs, or behaving too emotionally and dramatically. All the concepts that arose were aimed to control women - their way of life and self-expression. Which way of freeing ourselves from the historical and contemporary stigmas of wombs and female bodies resonates most in us today?
How can we rewrite history and claim the world that belongs to us and in which our home is?
Concept, choreography, text: Renata Piotrowska-Auffret
Dance: Aleksandra Bożek-Muszyńska & guests
Choreographic collaboration: Aleksandra Bożek-Muszyńska & Anna Charlotta Nordanstedt (Anna & CO)
Costumes, object: Pipa Piwosz
Music: Simon Auffret
Vocal compositions: Anna Szwajgier
Lighting Design: Joanna Leśnierowska
Video: Katarzyna Fabińska
Dramaturgical advice: Michael de Cock, Joanna Leśnierowska, Michał Rogulski
Reaserch: Natalia Miłuńska, Natalia Oniśk, Aleksandra Osowicz
Co-production: KVS Brussels (Belgium), Dans I Trondelag (Norway), House of Utopia & Teatr Łaźnia Nowa (Poland), Body/Mind Festival (Poland), DOCK ART (Germany)
Partners: Ochota Theater (Poland)
Executive producers: Karolina Wycisk / Performat Production (Poland), Météores - plateforme chorégraphique et constellation artistique (France)
Duration: 60 minutes
Renata Piotrowska-Auffret is polish choreographer and artist who has lived in France since 2021. In her work, she is interested in female body politics. Piotrowska-Auffret contemplates the contemporary world by deriving inspiration from intimate experiences embedded in a given social context. She is interested in the perversity of relations between the historical and contemporary body politics, between public and private, as well as between text and movement.
She works in a field of dance, performative art and theatre since 2006. She collaborated with many institutions and festivals, among others: National Choreographic Center in Montpellier, National Dance Center in Paris, Uzes Danse Festival in Uzes, La Passerelle – National Stage in St.Brieuc, Les Brigittines in Brussels, KVS in Brussels, DOCK 11 and Tanzatage Festival in Berlin, TPAM Festival in Yokohama, Body Mind Festial in Warsaw, Old Brewery New Dance Festival in Poznań, Nowy Theatre in Warsaw, Studio Theatre in Warsaw, Divine Comedy Festival in Cracow, Slowacki Theatre in Cracow, Spring Forward Festival by Aerowaves, NORMA Festival in Ostrava (Czech Republic), Festival Culturescapes in Dornach and Museum Susch in Zernez (Switzerland), Baazar Festival in Prague (Czech Republic), Open House Festival in Lemesos (Cyprus), Tanzmainz Festival in Mainz (Germany), Bora Bora Dans & Visuelt Teater in Aarhus (Denmark), Circe Platform in Tbilisi (Georgia).