Katarzyna Sitarz PER-SONA
performance / concert

Katarzyna Sitarz, fot. Poza Okiem, Piotr Nykowski
The Per-sona pulsates between the voice of the body and the body of the voice, between the (in)visible and the (in)audible. As it listens to the sound of the voice, both its materiality and elusiveness, it places the body’s sonic signature. The boundaries between what is inside and outside are blurred. The voice is a presence that goes beyond the body and penetrates spaces; a force that unites sensuality and intimacy; a dynamic vibrating in pleasure, ugliness, beauty and madness, in the familiar and the unknown.
choreography, performance: Katarzyna Sitarz
dramaturgy: Eleonora Zdebiak
artistic supervision: Bush Hartshorn
production: Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk in the frame of Solo Projekt Plus 2016
with the support of: Kooperatywa Łaźnia, Fundacja Witryna Kultury w Szczecinie
Katarzyna Sitarz dancer, performer, choreographer. Fascinated by the multi-layered (un)consciousness of the body she travels through sensory, polyphonic worlds, seeking for ephemeral vocal phenomena. She deepens the secrets of traditional singing, the Slavic white voice in particular, which she also explores in her performative activities. The essence of presence and collectivism is a subject of her intense preoccupation. Nominated for The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative she had a pleasure to work with Trisha Brown. A recipient of an Artistic Scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and Education in The Netherlands and Poland as well as danceWEB 2010 at the ImPulsTanz Festival in Vienna. For her previous work Sitarz received awards at the 11th International Solo Dance Theater Festival in Stuttgart and the 8th Solo International Festival in Budapest. She studied Slavic Philology at Wratislavia University, Poland and Dance and Choreography at Codarts/Rotterdam Dance Academy, The Netherlands. She participated in the first edition of an Intensive Training in Experimental Physical Performance –SMASH Berlin. Recently Katarzyna is running a study project “Between body and voice” within the framework of the research scholarship programme by Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk.