Performance “Practicing Empathy #3”
Muzeum Susch Auditorium
18 August, Thursday, 5 PM

Practicing Empathy #3 is the third creation in this series and was initially planned to be developed in collaboration with varying local and international communities. However, the disruption caused by Covid19 became a catalyst for #3 to turn into a full-length solo for Yasmeen Godder, the first in her 25-year career. Godder uses the solo to examine the concept and sensation of empathy and how it relates to her own body and personal experiences. The work travels between a real-time document of the past year’s experience of isolation, limitations and internal discovery, as well as generating continuous mechanisms of survival. Through Godder’s guidance, the solo is an offering to question and feel what role self-empathy can play in our current landscape.

A production by Yasmeen Godder Company and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. A work commissioned by the festival Frankfurter Positionen 2021, an initiative of the BHFBank Foundation. Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
The production was supported by the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs, the general consulate of Germany, and Japan.

Creation, Choreography, Performance: Yasmeen Godder
Dramaturgy, Rehearsal Director: Nir Vidan
“Practicing Empathy” Project Dramaturge: Monica Gillette
Objects: Gili Avissar
Construction Design: Gili Godiano
Light Design: Tamar Orr
Beating Stick: Track 4 from the album Stick Music
by Clogs
Composed by Padma Newsome
Arrangement by Padma Newsome
Performed by Jennifer Choi, Erik Friedlander, Bryce Dessner, Padma Newsome
Asaf Avidan - Different Pulses
Lior Pinsky - Star Glass
Costume Designer: Shirley Itzik
Photography: Tamar Lamm
Production Manager: Omer Alsheich
Administrative Manager: Zohar Eshel-Acco
CHF 30,00 / CHF 25,00 including Muzeum Susch ticket
CHF 15,00 (ticket for the performance)
CHF 10,00 (ticket for the performance, reduced)
You can buy the tickets at Muzeum Susch reception during the opening times or book them online here.